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July 2024
July 2024
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Services Make every moment of your stay unique

Our welcome

Always at your disposal

The Reception of our hotel is open 24 hours; here you will find an expert staff that will answer to your requests, providing tips about the upcoming events in town, suggesting itineraries and booking guided tours in the surroundings and transfer service.

If you arrive in Siena by car, you can take advantage of the private parking, free for Palazzo Ravizza’s guests. The historic center, in fact, isn’t accessible to cars and Palazzo Ravizza is the only hotel in the center of Siena with parking, the ideal solution to easily visit all the attractions and plan excursions in the surrounding area.


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Book on this website it's worth it
Book on this website it's worth it
4 reasons why to choose our relais
Free Parking

A benefit that no one else has in Siena's center!

Welcome Drink
Wi-Fi Free
Best Price Guarantee

If you book directly on this website you get the most affordable rates.