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Summer in Siena: Concerts and night openings of museums

Home > News > Summer in Siena: Concerts and night openings of museums
Postata il: 10 juillet 2014

Would you know which events will take place in the coming weeks in Siena? We suggest a series of live concerts and special night openings to take advantage of every moment spent in this beautiful and welcoming city.

Siena and Stars is the name of the festival that enlivens Piazza del Duomo with the most famous musicians and dance performers: it starts on July 11th with the free concert (this time at Piazza del Campo) of Antonello Venditti, while for the following events tickets are available for sale online; you can go to the concert of Franco Battiato on July 15th, Ambrogio Sparagna and the Orchestra Popolare Italiana on 17th, Goran Bregovic on 18th the jazz quintet of Paolo Fresu on 20th, the acrobatic theater of Sonics on 21st, the international dance gala on 22nd, a range of proposals that will make the summer season unmissable.

The favorable climate invites you to visit the historic sites usually open to the public only during the day, such as museums, parks and churches; July is the best time for a cultural holiday because it is the month of Nights of Archeology, event came at its 14th edition and consisting of initiatives promoting the archaeological heritage of a region rich in historic finds from Etruscan era to the Middle Age in particular.

For this reason, we recommend some of the events that will be held in Siena as part of “Notti dell’Archeologia”: on Wednesday 16th July, at the archaeological museum housed in the Museum Complex Santa Maria della Scala, there will be the awarding of the photo contest “The Night of the museum” , from 7:00 pm; from 9 pm to midnight you can visit the museum and the section entitled “Siena, the story of the city from its origins to the Middle Ages” for free; those who prefer a theme guided tour can book the tour “Between history and archeology: the origins of the Archaeological Museum of Siena,” reservation is required calling the phone number 0577 534507.

There are also events in the province of Siena, the detailed program of “Notti dell’Archeologia is available here:

Staying in Siena this summer means listening an evocative soundtrack as the background of your vacation, take the opportunity to visit suggestive venues at unusual opening hours, not bad for a town so ancient but never out of fashion.

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