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Top Tuscan food and wine festival in Siena

Home > News > Top Tuscan food and wine festival in Siena
Postata il: 10 März 2015

Tuscany shows its excellences in a preview of Expo 2015, a special event dedicated to local enogastronomy, Toscana Terra del Buon Vivere (Tuscany Land of Good Living), because the well-being also comes from food.

Who has already been in Siena knows that local products are an essential part of its history, like churches, monuments and traditions kept alive through the centuries.

For this reason we recommend to join the initiative which will take place from 27th to 29th March at Piazza del Campo, Piazza del Mercato and at Loggia dei Nove, a tasty preview of Milan Expo in the historic center of the town.

The best way to appreciate the delicacies of this land is joining tastings, meetings with chefs and cooking shows, a great chance to reveal the secret side of Tuscany, defined by its DOC wines, its cheeses, Chianina meat and, of course, the homemade pasta.

With regard to pasta, don’t miss the contest Tipi da Pici, a challenge among three food bloggers and three amateur chefs. The participants will cook a dish of Pici, typical Senese homemade pasta, with seasoning prepared exclusively with Tuscan ingredients.

The contest will take place on Sunday 29th March from 10:00 am to 12:00 am at the Tartarugone of Piazza del Mercato.

On Friday 27th the students of the Tuscan catering institutes will open the festival with a cooking competition based on local wine, in other words the preparation of a dish that must have as an ingredient one of the wines of the prestigious regional heritage.

The testimonial of this inviting festival will be Marco Stabile, starred chef who will coordinate the participants and will present live cooking, take advantage to pick the best products on sale in the local food market at Piazza del Mercato.
The complete program is available on the official website:


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