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Terre di Siena Ultramarathon, the sporting event suitable for everyone

Home > News > Terre di Siena Ultramarathon, the sporting event suitable for everyone
Postata il: 31 January 2019

Sport, culture and local promotion enclosed in a unique sporting event.

On 23rd and 24th February 2019 Terre di Siena Ultramarathon is coming back. The running race, scheduled for Sunday and came to the sixth edition, is characterized by three different paths but one, striking goal: the beautiful Piazza del Campo di Siena.

Three itineraries to discover the Sienese countryside

Credits: will_iam_76,

Three different routes – 50, 32 and 18 kilometers – along the Via Francigena, with as many starting points: the historic center of San Gimignano, Unesco World Heritage; the medieval hamlet of Colle Val d’Elsa; or, for those who prefer the half marathon, the castle of Monteriggioni.

The routes, each with specific characteristics and different levels of difficulty, all have in common different refreshment stands and scenic areas. Because Terre di Siena Ultramarathon isn’t just a race, which attracts thousands of runners every year. It also represents an opportunity to fully enjoy all the wonders of this territory, so rich in history and traditions.

Thanks to the partnership with the University of Siena, this year the participants will have the opportunity to visit some of the most peculiar sites of Siena and surroundings following guided tours.


In case you want to travel the same routes of the races, but without taking part in the competition, you can use the car. In some places it is also possible to see the passage of the athletes.

Siena, a town worth visiting by walk


Terre di Siena Ultramarathon has also another peculiarity: it includes a non-competitive walk of 6 kilometers open to all, which includes the most suggestive spots of Siena.

The walk, which will start at 10:00 am and will end in Piazza del Campo, is perfect for visiting the heart of the city from a privileged point of view.

It represents the opportunity to admire not only its popular sights, but also the hidden treasures, often known only to its inhabitants. A definitely original way to spend Sunday.

How to join the event

Credits: maratonetasemplice,

To join in competitive itineraries it is necessary to register by 22nd February 2019, in three ways. Directly on the website, following the instructions, or by fax sending the completed registration form along with the rest of the required documentation.

To reach all the starting points, available to athletes there will be a shuttle service from the historic center of Siena.

To participate in the walk, just show up at the stand of the event, in Piazza del Campo, from 10:00 am on Saturday 23rd February. Or ernatively, directly Sunday, February 24th at 9:15 am. The events will take place independently by the weather conditions.


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