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The best wine bars in Siena where to taste DOCG wines

Home > News > The best wine bars in Siena where to taste DOCG wines
Postata il: 26 April 2019

Chianti Classico, Chianti Superiore and Chianti dei colli senesi, but even Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Brunello di Montalcino and Vernaccia di San Gimignano. Tasting the fine DOC and DOCG wines of the Siena area is a ritual that you can’t really give up.

A tasting experience that allows you to know and appreciate the food and wine excellences of this renowned and enchanting area of ​Tuscany.

The historic center of Siena hosts several wine shops and wine bars, where you can enjoy a glass of wine, an aperitif or a dinner, or buy local food products. Places to discover during a holiday or an itinerary through the wonders that characterize the town of Palio.

Enoteca Emporio Mediterraneo


Via Casato di Sotto, 11

The wine shop is born in a very special context: it is, in, fact part of the Palazzo dei Chigi, dating back to 1640, and is protected by the Belle Arti Ministery. Here you can taste a great variety of wines, not only from Tuscany. Passion and competence are at disposal of those who don’t want to miss the opportunity to learn more about the territory.


Diwine- Enoteca e Spumanteria

via Camollia 71

The wine shop is located near La Lizza Gardens, a few steps from the Medicea Fortress. Here you can taste excellent wines but also cold cuts and cheeses, craft beers, gourmet sandwiches and even guided tastings. A way to experience Siena satisfying both your palate and your soul.



Cantina del Brunello di Montalcino

via della Sapienza 66

This is one of the city’s historic wine bars. Located a few minutes walk from Piazza del Campo, here you can taste a refined selection of Sienese and Tuscan wines, as well as from other areas of Italy. A place appreciated above all for its refined style and wide choice of wines.


Cantina in Piazza

via Stalloreggi 15

Cantina In Piazza is a hidden gem where to buy the best wine labels. A historic meeting place for foodies who likes local products, but also for wine lovers.


Enoteca I Terzi

via dei Termini 7

It’s a wine shop but also a restaurant, in the heart of Siena. Here you can choose from a vast number of labels to combine with dishes in an elegant space, where you can have lunch or dinner to discover the flavors of tradition.


Vineria Tirabusciò

via San Pietro 16

Wine bar near the Duomo. It’s a cozy place to enjoy a glass of local or national wine, but also craft beers and spirits accompanied by tasty food delights.

Siena is able to conquer not only the heart, but also the palate and the senses. An unmissable step to fully appreciate the essence of Tuscany.


Credits preview photo: Vineria Tirabusciò,


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